Tuskys Supermarket has suspended 70 employees at its Tom Mboya Street store in Nairobi on suspicion of internal theft. The employees are accused of working with an external cartel to clear goods from the store.
Tuskys chief operations officer Peter Leparacho confirmed the suspensions and said the retailer had opened investigations on affected employees, Business Daily reports. The retailer has also called in detectives from the Directorate of Criminal Investigations to investigate the scam.
Mr Leparacho said the cost of the thefts reported first a week ago had not been quantified.
“The 70 employees including the branch manager have been suspended for two weeks pending investigations. We are working with detectives to get to the truth of the matter,” Mr Leparacho said.
The theft was only detected at Tusky’s Beba Beba branch due to poor performance of the outlet.
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