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Great Things Your Handwriting Can Help You Achieve

Acquiring handwriting as a skill at an early age is crucial to a human’s development and academic success – impacting accomplishment beyond the academic journey.

Follow These Practical Steps To Retire With Your Own House

Renting a house can become financially burdensome after retirement. Without a regular source of income, it can be difficult to keep up with rent payments.

Top Tips To Reduce Fuel Consumption For Your Motorcycle

Here are straightforward strategies for optimizing your motorcycle's fuel efficiency to not only save you some coins but reduce your carbon footprint.

Six Tips For Creators Who Want To Make It Big On Instagram

With more than 2 billion people using Instagram each month, Instagram offers a global reach and wide breadth of features, which makes it a one-stop-shop for all creators and offers a variety of opportunities and experiences for creators.

How To Check Green Card Results 2023

The U.S. Department of State has announced the winners of the 2024 Diversity Visa lottery (Green Card). Out of the millions who entered last...

10 Simple Practices To Help You Live a Fulfilling Life

It’s not uncommon to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life and lose sight of what truly makes us happy.

TV Presenter Alex Chamwada Shares Simple Trick He Used To Win Equity Bank CEO

Chams Media CEO and former TV presenter Alex Chamwada has shared the secrets to his successful programme ‘Daring Abroad’ and how he managed to clinch a multi-million sponsorship deal through a simple act of patience.

Six Foolish Ways Fraudsters Are Using To Con Kenyans

It is baffling how people are losing money easily to fraudsters in this country. This is despite the tragedies of the Pyramid/Ponzi, the quail...
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