The Nairobi Securities Exchange opened the week on a low note, with a total of 7.8M shares valued at Ksh142M transacted against Ksh 475M on 14M shares posted last Friday.
The NSE 20 Share Index closed 0.54% lower to 5089.71 points whereas the All Share Index (NASI) eased 1.07 points to stand at 162.17. The banking sector had 990,000 shares traded and represented 0.69% of the day’s traded volume. Equity Bank down 1.5% to Ksh49.75 moved 326,000 shares. KCB down fifty cents to Ksh56.50 moved 146,000 shares. Barclays Bank moved 241,000 shares and closed at Ksh16.45.
On the agricultural sector, Kakuzi remained unchanged at Ksh180.00 with 2,000 shares moved. Eaagads declined to Ksh38.75 on a volume of 1,700 shares, down from Ksh42.00 posted last week. Nation Media Group shares went down by twenty shillings to Ksh265 with 2,000 shares moved.
Kenya Airways saw 134,000 shares changing hands at between Ksh8.65 and Ksh.9 in the commercial and services sector. Energy and petroleum sector moved 795,000 shares, which accounted for 0.56% of the day’s traded volume. Total Kenya was the most heavily traded counter in this sector with 336,000 shares dealt at between Ksh26.50 and Ksh.27.00. The investment sector represented 0.58% of the day’s traded volume.
Up two shillings to Ksh63.50, Centum Investment moved 97,000 shares. While Trans-century went down by 7.7% to Ksh18.00 moving 710,000 shares. One million shares were moved in the manufacturing and allied sector, representing 0.76% of the day’s traded volume. Mumias Sugar moved 1M shares at between Ksh.1.95 and Ksh 2.
Safaricom closed ten cents lower to Kes.14.05 on a volume of 2.5M shares in the telecommunication and technology sector.
Growth Enterprise Market Segment (GEMS) saw Flame Tree Group Holdings move 73,000 shares, closing at Ksh8.60.
The Bond market had bonds worth Ksh571M transacted.
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