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Four killed as Cord IEBC demos turn bloody in Kisumu and Kakamega

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Police tear-gassed and used water cannons on a convoy of Cord leaders led by Raila Odinga, Kalonzo Musyoka and Moses Wetang’ula as they marched to Anniversary Towers as the anti-IEBC protests took a bloody turn.

Reports indicate that at least four people have been killed in clashes with police in Cord stronghold towns of Kisumu and Siaya while Kakamega Senator Bonnie Khalwale and Suna MP Junet Mohammed were arrested as security agencies increased their crackdown on the demos meant to oust commissioners of the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission from office due to what Cord says is their bias in handling elections.

One person was killed after being hit by a stun bullet in Kisumu while reports indicated three others lost their lives in Raila’s hometown of Siaya.

Mr Khalwale was arrested as he led a demonstration in Kakamega and was scheduled to appear in court while Mohammed was arrested along Mbagathi Way in Nairobi and taken to Kilimani police station.

Earlier in the day, Mombasa County Assembly Speaker Thadeus Rajwayi and Junda Member of County Assembly Paul Onje were among 10 people held during anti-IEBC protests in the coastal city.

There were also protests in Kibera slums in Nairobi where a man was also said to have been shot and injured. Raila and his co-principals had been monitoring events from his Capitol Hill offices before proceeding to town after an earlier attempt by Cord MPs was repulsed.

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BT Reporter
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editor [at] businesstoday.co.ke
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