In a daring act, a woman in Bungoma County disarmed a gunman who attacked their home in a 25-minute drama that sounds like ascene from a Hollywood movie.
Ms Philis Nasimiyu wrestled the man to ground while her husband, Willis Kirui, slammed their door and jointly tackled the gunman, forcing him to drop his AK 47 rifle and flee, the Star reports.
“I wrestled with the man for twenty minutes and my husband came to support me,” she recounted to the Star during an interview at her Tulienge home in Bungoma West.
Ms Nasimiyu, who had never handled a gun, had just arrived home after helping her husband at their shop at Lwandayi market. She did not lock the door while cooking supper as their children did their homework in a separate house in their compound.
“I had started preparing super when mzee came in and slumped into a chair in the sitting room,” she said. “After a few minutes, I noticed a hand open the door and later a human being stormed into the sitting room brandishing a gun.”
Ms Nasimiyu said she swung and grabbed the attacker’s throat when he turned towards Mr Kirui, ordering them to lie down. Residents lauded Nasimiyu while Kirui said he was marveled by his wife’s courage.
They said police later picked the gun with eight rounds of ammunition. Bungoma County Commissioner Maalim Mohammed said the rifle was taken to Nairobi for ballistics.
The police have launched a search for the suspect, said county AP commander Paul Soi.
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