We are all slaves to our office desks and deskbound life can take a pretty significant toll on your body. Somebody once said: “Why work hard, why spend so much time in the office to make good money only to use it in your 40s for medical treatment?”
The 8-5 workers who spend most of their time tugged in their sedentary offices are at risk of muscular skeletal diseases. However, a wearable device known as Prana can help you combat these long term health problems. Prana alerts you when your posture is poor or when you are not breathing from your diaphragm. You only need to clip it to your clothing at your waistline and it does the magic.
A report from Havard Medical School reveals diaphragmic breathing is vital for it allows all portions of your lungs to get full share of oxygenated air.When one is breathing through the chest, the lower side of the lungs fail to get sufficient air, making you feel anxious and short of breath. Prana can tackle both issues of posture and breathing.
Going for around Ksh13,000 the device will help you monitor both issues and keep long term health issues at bay. The silver disk you clip into your pants works mostly with Bluetooth-enabled smartphones. It will track and provide data as to how you sit and whether you are breathing with your belly or mostly with your chest. It also offers breathing exercises from all around the world, including yoga pranayama, tai chi, and buteyko.
So instead of a cup of coffee you can wake yourself up by using the energetic breathing pattern, with the 4-7-8 technique that entails a four count inhale through your nose, 7 count breath hold, 8 count exhale through your mouth being the most recommended by doctors. Prana helps you track this.
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