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REPORTER’S DIARY: When I marked birthday as ‘guest of the state’

For those who care to know, I was born on the Good Friday of 1966. At the height of the crusade for multi-partyism in Kenya in the early 1990s, it was just one day to my 26th birthday when the then authoritarian Kanu regime of now retired President Daniel arap Moi struck and converted me into a reluctant, uninvited Guest of the State

More trouble for KBC as another union issues strike notice

The Kenya Union of Journalists has joined the push for better working conditions by journalists working for the Kenya Broadcasting Corporation (KBC), piling more...

Govt to shut down websites ahead of elections

The Communications Authority of Kenya (CAK) has called upon all media houses in the country to furnish the Authority with the names of their...

KBC in crisis as workers strike few days to election

Programming of its media outlets have not been affected, as employees under the Kenya Union of Journalists are not involved in the strike

Red Alert! 10 ways to identify fake news

Check the author's sources to confirm that they are accurate. Lack of evidence or reliance on unnamed experts may indicate a false news story

Low operating costs see NMG profit rise to Sh1.17 billion

NMG’s flagship broadcast units, NTV in Kenya and NTV Uganda, saw operating profit for each double in the half year period, buoyed by strong programming and content popular with audiences. NTV Kenya posted an 18 per cent growth in revenue

Hackers take down Standard website

Cases of hacking targeting various sites, including government ministries, banks and the Kenya Revenue Authority in the country have been on the rise

Mediamax’s Kalenjin radio station set to go on air

The media house, which is associated with President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto, has already hired staff for the radio station
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