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Top social media influencers in Kenya

Social media Influencers in Kenya have come a long way, from social media to content and other areas of online marketing. The role they...

Not all influencers have social currency

Marketers in East Africa have to figure out how to incorporate a short and long term influencer strategy in their plans

Report reveals media’s worst enemies

From an unparalleled fear of their critics and the truth, to a relentless commitment to censorship, lobby names five leaders and the runner-ups who have gone above and beyond to silence critical voices and weaken democracy

The Nuvita biscuits advertising scandal

Creativity is the mainstay of advertising; so we cannot recommend spoiling the fun, or promoting mediocrity! Yet this poetic licence has been largely abused by advertisers

Digital media owners challenged to increase their reach

ICT Cabinet Secretary Joe Mucheru says the government is revisiting on how it is spending on advertising based on the audience and reach

KTN journalists brutalised by police in Migori

Kitili and his cameraman were covering an incident where members of the public were being forced to remove road barricades when the latter told an officer live on TV not to harm him again ( SCROLL DOWN FOR STORY)

Veteran journalism don Joseph Mbindyo passes on

He joined the School of Journalism in 1982 and Doctor of Philosophy degree from Stanford University California in the United States.

Former KTN star news anchor joins BBC

Nancy Kacungira has had the BBC affiliation since 2015 when she won the BBC world news Komla Dumor award
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