The lyrically masterful musical artist Kagwe Mungai has broken up with his girlfriend, Sharon Mwangi, they announced via a joint statement on their...
JUSTUS KIPRONOKhalif Kairo, a fast-rising Kenyan businessman still in the trenches of fame, has advised all men in relationships after his rumoured breakup with...
JUSTUS KIPRONOOne point to add to the endless debate of which gender or sex is the strongest: A social setup is something to look...
JUSTUS KIPRONOMost men are usually lost when it comes to dealing with a recoiled wife. Men have such fragile feet when it comes to...
SILAS NYANCHWANIYou should be best friends with your significant other but there are things that you don’t consider worthy of your partner knowing
BT CorrespondentResearch says women who believe in traditional gender roles that men should be breadwinners were more likely to make 'foodie calls'.
BT ReporterCertain careers put a tremendous strain on marriages or romantic relationships. This can be due to the nature of the job one partner...
Brenda GamondeIt is important to identify your own destructive spirits first and acknowledge that sometimes your relationship stops working because of your own making
VICTOR SALAMBAThe conference has been organised in the face of rising divorce cases across the world and their impact on children and the society