The spectacular feat earns him a space in the Guinness Book of Records as well, turning him from record holder to an icon.
Peter Biwott, the CEO of Kenya Export Promotion and Branding Agency (KEPROBA) says he loves cycling and racing on motorbike.
Despite the shortfall, CBK Governor Dr Patrick Njoroge said the demonetization process went well and termed the process successful.
Dennis Galava, who was managing editor for Saturday Nation, took over the helm on 1st October, 2019, and hopes to rebuild trust with...
KEPROBA will provide national branding guidelines for stakeholders as well as facilitate and promote the development of export trade.
Despite the dip in Nation Media profit, the Board of Directors declared an interim dividend of Kshs.1.50 per share for the half-year.
East African Portland Cement's current liabilities exceed its current assets by Ksh6 billion, with staff costs taking up close to half of the...
Choppies headquarters is said to have given up on Kenya after unsuccessfully trying to influence local management and drive strategy.