Raila Family Ties Fidel Widow’s Hands To Protect Family Wealth

Fidel Odinga's wealth
The reached Odinga’s wife, Ida, and her daughter-in-law, Ms Bekele, has brought to an end a vicious court fight that threatened expose Odinga's family secrets.

The legal fìght for the control of the estate of Fidel Odinga, the son of Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) party Leader Raila Odinga, has been settled with his widow getting full control of three properties including a villa in Karen.

The widow, Lwam Getachew Bekele, will hold the rest of the estate including cash in eight bank accounts, two cars, a plot in Kisumu and two investment firms in trust for the benefit of her son, a minor.

This means she cannot sell the assets and income from the properties, and cash in accounts can only be used for the benefit of the minor — such as paying school fees, medical, holiday expenses and clothing.

Mr Odinga’s son, Raila Odinga Junior, has been made joìnt administrator of the estate together with Ms Bekele, says the out-of-court agreement seen.

The deal inked by Odinga’s wife, Ida, and her daughter-in-law, Ms Bekele, has brought to an end a vicious court fìght that threatened to offer Kenyans a peep into the Odingas’ jealously guarded family and business secrets.

Ida Odinga joined the succession case of her son Fidel in which, teaming up with her last born daughter, she took on Fidel’s widow in a battle for wealth that turned attention to one of Kenya’s most prominent families.

Ida went to the extent of accusing Lwam Bekele of masterminding the death of his son. In statements to detectives captured in court documents, Ida said Lwam was behind the mysterious death of Fidel, their firstborn, in January 2015. Later, the parties resorted to out of court settlement of the matter.

See Also >> DP William Ruto’s Company To Be Auctioned Over Debt

Written by
BT Reporter -

editor [at] businesstoday.co.ke

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