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A way out of Kenya’s political impasse

I have created an alternative governance politics for twenty-first century: post-politics, now available in Kenya for all Kenyans to embrace, and enjoy

Why counties should get ready for business

The emergence of Huduma Centres has decentralised many government services and   one does not need to come to Nairobi to be served

Why a*******s will remain a nightmare on our roads

So far, we have lost 2,397 lives this year as of November 9. This includes pedestrians (907), passengers (575) motorcyclists (410) drivers (265) and pillion passengers (197)

At Safaricom, reputation comes before revenue

We believe that sustainability is key to future of not just Safaricom, but the Kenyan economy as a whole. But we are aware that we are operating in an increasingly challenging business landscape

Uchumi should fight to stay afloat, grow

Though recent news about Uchumi have been all gloomy, there was a time when Uchumi was the go to place for any shopping.

Free Wi-Fi can be a costly business for users

Public Wi-Fi, such as the mall networks, are particularly attractive to hackers because most connections are either unsecured or have shared passwords

Slowly but surely, Kenyan media has lost its soul

Media houses need to redefine how they intend to cover political situations in the country as well as how journalists conduct themselves on social media

Larry Madowo reveals media intrigues that shaped 2017 elections

In the 2017 poll, the role of fake news in spreading misinformation, propaganda and scaremongering made a journalist’s job even harder
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