Government to re-open Huduma Namba registration exercise

Interior CS Fred Matiang'i gestures during a past event.
Interior CS Fred Matiang'i gestures during a past event.

The registration of Huduma Namba will be re-opened for Kenyans who failed to be enrolled in April, the government has announced.

The government spokesperson Cyrus Oguna revealed that the state will deploy two clerks in every sub-location to oversee the exercise.

“Those who did not register because they lacked birth certificates or other documents will be allowed to register this time round,” said Mr. Oguna.

Mr Oguna, however, did not disclose whether the exercise will be continous or have a deadline. During the first massive registration exercise, the government had state that the enlisting process will continue in all chief’s offices country wide but the official listing were closed in most administrative offices.

This comes in the wake of an uproar over proposed a Bill that will deny Kenyans without a Huduma card access to crucial public services.

If the draft Huduma Bill 2019 is enacted by the National Assembly and signed into law by the President individuals without Huduma number blocked from registering as a voter, accessing universal healthcare, passport, apply for a driving license, registering a mobile phone number, pay taxes, transact in the financial markets and open a bank account.

{ Read: Kenya’s oldest woman rejects Huduma Namba }

Interior Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i is preparing to present a bill in parliament.

The latest move by Dr Matiang’i has triggered a heated public debate on why the executive part of the government is going against the High Court ruling on the controversial listing after it barred the Government against forcing Kenyans to register.

Dr Matiang’i defended the bill saying it will create an efficient identity system that will present opportunities for fiscal savings, development of the digital economy and enhanced public and private sector service delivery.

He proposes “An Act of Parliament to establish the National Integrated Identity Management System to promote efficient delivery of public services, to consolidate and harmonise the law on registration of persons, to facilitate assigning of Huduma Namba and issuance of identity documents, (and) to facilitate registration of births and deaths.”

{ See Also: What will happen after Huduma Namba mass listing ends }

The registration of Huduma Namba shall be through the National Integrated Identity Management System (NIIMS) that will be a primary database for both foundational and functional data, from which every other database with personal data of residents in Kenya will be built. The databases include those of voters, taxes, and social services.

An announcement calling for public participation over the proposed bill has been put out. “The Cabinet Secretary for Interior and Coordination of National Government is therefore calling for views and proposals for consideration from members of the general public and any concerned stakeholders on the draft bill,” reads the invite.

The public participation is set to happen on Thursday July 25, 2019 at the Kenya School of Government in Nairobi.

Huduma Namba is a unique and permanent personal identification number assigned to every resident individual at birth or upon enrolment. The card is issued in three categories: To minors who have attained the age of six years, adults who have attained the age of eighteen years and resident adult non-citizens.

{ See Also: Explainer: Conditions court imposed on Huduma Namba listing }

Written by
Brenda Gamonde -

Brenda Gamonde is reporter with Business Today. Email: [email protected]


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