Donald Kipkorir, the lawyer who initially represented Shollei at the start of the case before being forced to pull out as the case...
Justice Martha Koome Karambu has moved within striking distance of the Chief Justice position, after the Judicial Service Commission (JSC) unanimously nominated her...
If the government can frustrate its own powerful party members, who are you as a mere citizen to be valued?
The initiative has recalled its commitment made during the anti-corruption conference with comprehensive designs and measures for different sectors
Saying he was speaking from experience as a politician, President asks the Judges to accept that criticism comes with the office
Chief Justice says if leaders are tired of having a strong and independent Judiciary, they should call a referendum and abolish it all...
The conduct of IEBC in preparation to the election had been a matter of concern. There has been lack of transparency in its...
The judiciary is ready to adequately handle election related petitions that may arise out of this year’s poll slated for August 8, including...
After moving Kenyans with his special appeal – that street families be given an opportunity to serve the nation in constructive capacities –...