I am a member of the self-prescribed 4 AM Club. This is picked from Robin Sharma’s 5 AM club, but I adjusted backwards...
In Kayole, East of Nairobi, you can spot people, both men and women, jogging in the morning and this is replicated across many...
More than ever, there is need to promote healthy behaviours and wellbeing in the workplace to increase productivity and cut medical costs.
A single session of exercise improves cognitive functions and working memory in some elderly people.
Climbing stairs, up and down, is one of the best exercises when an individual wants to burn fat; strengthen the lower body; tone...
Two researches in the journal of Cell Metabolism have revealed that the circadian clock is a key factor in how the body responds...
Physical exercise does not cure-all depression, but being active promotes the feelings of excitement and enthusiasm. Exercise stimulates the release of feel-good chemicals...
Both the old and young people benefit in terms of executive functions from continuous cycling, walking or climbing stairs
Most huge people have always wanted to be slim. Just another day my friend who has recently grown big asked me what to...