The beloved Kenyan comedy show Churchill Show is set to return to NTV, two years on from a dramatic cliffhanger in 2022. Created...
The vouchers were given as promotional material to comedian Omondi by Howlow Limited, a company owned by Chege. According to court documents, Mr...
Eric Omondi said that he had been living in Kileleshwa before relocating to the new mansion. The comedian further said that he had...
While many are seeing the money side, they are missing the real deal: This is a political season and Mr Wanjigi has launched...
The format of the show breaks away from the traditional TV game shows that are usually pre-recorded and only a limited number of...
He will be picking 5 ladies from Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda each. The ladies should be 23 and above, willing to get married...
Claims have surfaced on the alleged depression-inducing environment on the Churchill show.
Unlike TikTok, the app is available across all markets including Europe, India and Asia where Tik Tok has been banned.
Those especially put on the comedic pedestal, find the pressures quite immense; to maintain their comedic stature and relevance