In the aftermath of Moi University’s recent closure, its subsequent reopening, and the uncertainty caused by employee work stoppages at its main campus...
JUSTUS KIPRONOBIC, a world leader in stationery, lighters, and shavers, recently commemorated Global Education Week in Nairobi, Kenya.
BT CorrespondentNairobi Chapel (Ngong Road) has launched a Ksh150 million fund drive through motorcycle ride, seeking to establish the LOGOs Education Endowment Fund that...
BILL YAURAAcquiring handwriting as a skill at an early age is crucial to a human’s development and academic success – impacting accomplishment beyond the...
SALOME NGUGIMore than 650 needy and disabled students have the opportunity to pursue higher education through Kenya Pipeline Company (KPC) Foundation's education scholarship programme.
BT CorrespondentThe Principal Secretary for Basic Education, Dr Belio Kipsang, says the presence of parents in the lives of their children is the best...
BT CorrespondentOver 600,000 learners who left secondary schools in 2022 did not seek admission to either TVET, TTI or University in 2023/2024 placement cycle.
BT CorrespondentMakini Schools is nearly completing the construction of state-of-the-art sports facilities at its Ngong Road campus, the first of its kind for the...
KALU MENGOA press statement dated 10th August circulating in WhatsApp forums and containing the Ministry of Educátion logo, indicating that the government has postponed...
BT Reporter