The beloved Kenyan comedy show Churchill Show is set to return to NTV, two years on from a dramatic cliffhanger in 2022. Created...
JUSTUS KIPRONOEric Omondi said that he had been living in Kileleshwa before relocating to the new mansion. The comedian further said that he had...
BT ReporterThe video shows the controversial comedian dancing with naked children at a river in Turkana county, which many found disgusting with Cofek saying...
BT ReporterThe comedy talent search show will finally premiere on Saturday following the end of a series of countrywide auditions
BT CorrespondentThe comedy show, played by D’souza and Maqbul Mohammed aka Donnovan depicts a crazy, pathetic and tragic relationship of two lovers who find...
BT CorrespondentMaisha Magic East has partnered with Kenya's most popular comedian, Daniel ‘Churchill’ Ndambuki, in search of Kenya’s Ultimate Comic.
BT CorrespondentWhen I started doing comedy, we were being paid with food. Now, it’s paying. (see story below)
BT CorrespondentThe veteran newscaster took to social media to announce the news by posting a photo of a video shoot on Instagram
BT ReporterNO LAUGHING MATTER: After losing key comedians, Churchill Show is facing challenges in delivering quality content (see story below)