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Youth Must Get Their Hands Dirty to Dig Out Millions

With the rising world’s population and increased mass consumption, there is a greater need for youth to venture into agriculture

The Negative Publicity Surrounding Mutahi Kagwe is Good For Kahu$h’s Music

In any society, there are always extremists who will discredit and disparage others as soon as a window of opportunity presents itself

Uhuru Should Focus on his Legacy Before it’s Too Late

A critical question many Kenyans are asking today is this: What will the President bequeath to the next generation after he leaves office in 2022?

To Wake Up From Slumber, Kenya Needs a Bobi Wine not Nelson Mandela

The political circumstances in South Africa of 1994 are very different from the political landscape on the Kenya of 2022.

Private Sector Should Be Actively Involved in Free Trade Agreements

Kenya’s trade deal with the US is testament to the realization of Kenya’s growing market diversification and offers many opportunities.

Mobile Connectivity is a Goldmine: We Must Unlock Its Potential In Kenya

Mobile connectivity contributes 3% to the country's GDP

Why Kenyan Entrepreneurs Should Write Their Stories

One of the best ways to pass on actionable knowledge to the next generation is having it documented while still vivid

Achieving Food Security Goes Beyond Good Budgets

The government has put its best foot forward in formulating the Agricultural Sector Transformation and Growth Strategy.
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