Tips For Raising a Teenager In Kenya

Tips for raising a teenager in kenya
Try to be open to having conversations with your teens instead of just giving them orders. [ Photo / The Star ]

No matter where you live, it’s going to be tough to raise a teenager. Teens are sometimes impulsive, and many parents have a hard time with teens since they might not be quick to listen to parental advice. If your child has recently become a teenager, then you might be concerned about how you’re going to handle this transition. You know that you can’t keep treating your teen like a kid, but you might also be unsure of what to do.

Below, you’ll find some important tips for raising a teenager in Kenya. This advice should help you to have a smoother experience with your teen. As long as you do your best to approach your relationship with your teenager with respect, everything should go fine.

Don’t Be Too Controlling

Many parents make the mistake of trying to be too controlling. You will likely only cause your teen to rebel if you approach things this way. Teenagers need to be able to have some level of independence. They’re growing and learning how to become adults. Teens still need the guidance of their parents, but you need to avoid the urge to bark orders at them.

Instead of approaching parenting like a boss, it’ll be better to be a coach. Be someone who cheers your kids on and tries to get them to be the best version of themselves. You can give your teen advice while also trying to give them a bit of room to spread their wings. This might feel tough for you to do at first, but it will truly be for the best when you want to raise a healthy teen.

Try to Listen to Your Teenager

Communication is more important now than ever. Being a parent who tells kids what to do without listening to them will create unnecessary tension. Teenagers are old enough that they will start to have their own thoughts and ideas. If you won’t even listen to their opinions on certain matters, then they’re going to feel slighted.

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You were a teenager once, and you might even remember your parents not listening to you. Try to be open to having conversations with your teens instead of just giving them orders. Let them express themselves and take their opinions into account. You will then be able to explain the way that you see things, and this will make it easier to come to an understanding.

Reward Good Behaviour

Rewarding good behaviour is a fantastic way to get your teen to focus on the right things. For example, you should let your teen know how proud you are when they do well in school. Some parents even go so far as to reward their teens with things that they might want when they perform up to expectations. This is a good way to keep teens focused on positive things that will help them to succeed later in life.

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Get to Know Your Teen’s Friends

Getting to know your teen’s friends can also be beneficial. Your kids will be socializing and hanging out with new people. This is fine, but you still want to protect them as a parent. You don’t need to be overbearing, but it can be good to at least know your teen’s friends. Make them feel welcome in your home so that you can know that your teenagers are spending their time with good people.

Talk to Someone When You Have Concerns

There might be times when you will have concerns about what’s going on with your teen. It’s normal to be nervous or frustrated as a parent. You might need some more advice so that you can feel better. BetterHelp has some great articles with tips and tricks on parenting – and raising – teenagers.

They’ll be able to help you work through any anxiety issues that you might be having. You’ll also be able to get parental advice if you need it. Family counseling is offered as well if your relationship with your teen is strained in any way. You don’t have to face these problems alone when professionals are available to help.

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Written by

Marie Miguel has been a writing and research expert for nearly a decade, covering a variety of health- related topics. Currently, she is contributing to the expansion and growth of a free online mental health resource with BetterHelp.com. With an interest and dedication to addressing stigmas associated with mental health, she continues to specifically target subjects related to anxiety and depression.

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