The digital transformation of the entertainment industry represents a significant cultural and economic shift. From the rise of streaming services to the booming...
The station has two studios, in Nairobi and Mombasa, and will be beaming live broadcasts in the two cities besides Kigali, Eldoret and...
With free-to-air decoder, you get access to many television programmes on different television stations in Kenya
A majority of Kenyans (52%) watch news on television most often illustrating a general interest in current affairs and their need to constantly...
The Media Council of Kenya (MCK) has revealed that social media and the radio are platforms used to spread and report fake news...
Reinforcing leadership in expanding global OLED TV market with ThinQ AI and α (Alpha) 9 image processor
New study by Kantar found that the reputation of traditional print and broadcast media outlets has proven more resilient than social media platforms...
PwC report forecasts revenue to grow at an 8.5% CAGR (compounded annual growth rate) over the next five years, hitting the Ksh310 billion...
According to the research conducted last month, electronic dealers are not restocking deciding to adopt a wait and see attitude in the wake...