The consignment comprises more than 900,000 bags of subsidised fertiliser totalling 45,232 tonnes of fertilizer that KTDA has imported for its farmers
This dividend payment to farmers in 2021 is over and above what they earn as monthly or initial payment and is bound to...
The President recognized the need for the realignment of KTDA in favor of small scale farmers directed the Attorney General to conduct an...
The inquiry will look into the alleged statutory and regulatory compliance breaches allegedly committed by KTDA and its directors, including potential price and...
KTDA has been under the spot for failing to pay farmers their dues
Lobby wants forensic audit of KTDA and its subsidiaries since 2000 upto date
This unscrupulous practice saw farmers lose Ksh 4.6 billion placed as deposits in Imperial Bank and Chase Bank
Significant amounts of farmers’ money has been lost to buyers who were supplied tea by KTDA and refused or failed to pay.