A household name in Kenya's media and entertainment industries, Shaffie Weru boasts a decorated 17-year career in radio that solidified his status as...
STEVE WAMBUGUWeru, who was earlier this year appointed as Head of Events and Branding by he Nairobi County Government, is set to host a...
BUSINESS TODAYWeru was infamously let go by Radio Africa Group in 2020, after a storm that saw him accused of misogyny over comments he...
BUSINESS TODAYTwo years since his sacking at Radio Africa Group (RAG)-owned Homeboyz Radio, Shaffie Weru is making his comeback to the public eye. Weru...
BUSINESS TODAY“I gave my speed bike to my kid bro who turned 30! Plus I have a new Quad/All-Terrain Bike. Before I turn 40,...
BT CorrespondentThe fall-out quickly moved to the legal front, as Shaffie through his lawyers sent a demand letter seeking Ksh22 million for unlawful termination,...
MARTIN SIELEHigh ratings translate to increased, more lucrative advertising deals, which are the bread and butter for many media houses. Advertising is what keeps...
MARTIN SIELEHomeboyz predicament shines the spotlight the darkest corner of radio in Kenya: use of untrained presenters to drive their shows. Radio airwaves are...
LUKE MULUNDAAt the time of his dismissal, announced on Saturday, March 27, Weru was the Programmes Controller at Homeboyz Radio, and a stand-in host...