Absa Bank Kenya has joined the rest of the country’s biggest banks in reporting bumper first-quarter profits on the back of a rise...
[dropcap]I[/dropcap]t is that time of analysis that usually accompanies the release of Safaricom financial statements. Profit was made, a huge one at a...
Insiders says staff from the print and broadcast divisions are aggrieved with the turn of events, arguing the digital department thrives on content...
Treasury has indicated its commitment to provide a comprehensive and long-term solution on the capital position
Lender says implementation of the interest rate cap compressed margins and resulted in a decline in its revenues
This despite local and international calls for the government to end the blockade, which is seen as a threat to freedom of the...
aro Kimura, Managing Director, Sony Middle East and Africa says the company has witnessed a very strong upswing in the business across all...
Hundreds to lose jobs as branches are merged while others are shut down in new restructuring
Lender records Ksh 2.92 billion profit, for the first half of 2017, compared to Ksh 3.22 billion the prior year