The exclusive event wasn't just about popcorn and socialising; it was a portal into a brand new show titled "Shanga," poised to unravel...
OORO GEORGENairobi’s dating scene is about to get messy: Single Kiasi is back for a third season on March 5, 2024, with new episodes releasing...
BT ReporterMumbi Maina, Foi Wambui, Melvin Alusa, Brian Kabugi and other A-list critically acclaimed TV stars will grace your screens beginning April 11, 2022,...
BT CorrespondentShows on Maisha Magic Plus (DStv Channel 163 and GOtv Supa Channel 3) might be among the best on television, but that won’t...
BT ReporterMaisha Magic Movies (DStv 141) has announced a March Movie festival that will feature 45 movies from Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania that are...
BT CorrespondentThey also announced the 45 movies to feature in the Maisha Magic Movies Festival this March - 15 each from Kenya, Uganda and...
MARTIN SIELESo, here's the answers from your favorite TV stars on the roles they play, fame, love and more.
MARTIN SIELEPopular Africa Uncensored-produced Maisha Mkanda made a comeback on to Maisha Magic starting Sunday 2nd January 2022. This is the third season of...
BT CorrespondentThe MultiChoice Group today announced the launch of a new, exciting channel offering: Maisha Magic Movies. The channel will go live on Monday...
BT Correspondent