Department says due to limited resources for humans and livestock in ASALs regions, county governments should put in place plans to mitigate expected...
KNAThe Ksh 20.5 billion programme, which has helped 600,000 vulnerable people in emergencies via direct cash transfers is the first UK aid project...
BT CorrespondentAfrican Economic Outlook 2018 report also shows real GDP growth declined to an estimated 5% in 2017, due to subdued credit growth caused...
BT ReporterSources indicate Agriculture Cabinet Secretary Willy Bett said the government is not willing to extend the subsidy programme as the harvest season approaches
FRANCIS MULIThe first policy was bought in 2015, covering 25,060 livestock for 5,000 households at a cost of Ksh58 million in Turkana and Wajir...