The beloved Kenyan comedy show Churchill Show is set to return to NTV, two years on from a dramatic cliffhanger in 2022. Created...
JUSTUS KIPRONO"We realized that so many youth have untapped talents in performance and creative arts. We aim to reactivate and rejuvenate their talents through...
MARTIN SIELEIn what reads like a David verses Goliath duel, NTV, one of the big four TV stations in Kenya has lost the battle...
BT Reporter"Talking of what we're going to change in South Imenti, besides that I'm going to be a national leader. Its not just South...
MARTIN SIELEEric Omondi said that he had been living in Kileleshwa before relocating to the new mansion. The comedian further said that he had...
BT ReporterSome of the top comedians expected to perform at the event include MC Jessy, MCA Tricky, Mammito, Captain Otoyo, Jemutai and Terrence Creative.
JUDITH NDUNDEClaims have surfaced on the alleged depression-inducing environment on the Churchill show.
GETRUDE NJERIThose especially put on the comedic pedestal, find the pressures quite immense; to maintain their comedic stature and relevance
DAN KUTIRIThe festival which will be held in April, is aimed at celebrating the diverse East African cultures through music, art and comedy.
BT Correspondent