HIV infection rate in Kenya: According to the report released by the National Syendemic Diseases Control Council (NSDCC) formerly NACC, 10 counties namely...
KALU MENGOKEMRI says they were about to develop an HIV vaccine that is safe, effective and affordable with 50% efficacy in the next two...
KNAThe rising trend entails the ability of HIV to mutate and reproduce itself in the presence of antiretroviral drugs professionally known as HIV...
BUSINESS TODAYPeople living with HIV and suffer severe side effects and face therapy resistance will now be able to switch to a more convenient drug...
THE STANDARDThe government has launched an innovative self-testing services kit that would see Kenyans having a choice to test themselves for HIV in a...
BT CorrespondentAfter the semen testing, the sample is frozen in liquid nitrogen for six months before being used
BONIFACE KASEMBELIThe women are running stable businesses after withdrawing from the flesh peddling business to create self-help group
BT ReporterPanic as Feline Immunodeficiency Virus found in the blood of a cat tested at Lancet Laboratories in Nairobi
BT Reporter