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Raila Odinga’s statement in full

NASA says it is forming a task force to look into the systemic governance weaknesses that have precipitated the unfolding political crisis

Simple training that will reduce unemployment

Developed economies like Germany and China are anchored on the pillar of vocational skills and we can see the dividends they are reaping from this mindset shift

Let’s improve our sugarcane production for sustainability

Instead of the government giving money to bail out factories, it may be viable to get them modern equipment from countries, who are leaders in the sugar industry

Withdrawal: Is Raila conceding defeat?

While Raila Odinga has been losing all his party’s key point men, Uhuru Kenyatta has been gaining, which translates to landslide victory for Jubilee.

Babu Owino and Jaguar fought the wrong fight

Leaders ought to put their energy in working together to solve the many social, economic and political problems facing Kenyans [SCROLL DOWN TO READ ARTICLE]

Sycophants burying Kenya’s democracy

It behoves on our leaders to be wary of the sycophants clothed in the colours of the loyalists and be extremely mindful of the strong derogatory concept that sycophancy connotes

David vs Joshua in presidential race

I have seen a number of prayers shared on WhatsApp from both sides of the political divide that are Bible-based but with violent overtones

Kenya’s Big Men are failing her

Neither President Uhuru Kenyatta nor Nasa leader Raila Odinga appear to be motivated by a vision of the public good
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