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Chicken Inn apologises after customer is sold contaminated chips

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Fast food chain, Chicken Inn, has apologised after a customer revealed being sold contaminated chips at an outlet in Nairobi.

Popular vlogger Xtian Dela, also said he was sold rotted chicken wings at another outlet on two occasions.

Dela attached a video of the female customer who was complaining about chips she had bought at another outlet at Two Rivers Mall, black objects inside, which she claimed were dead worms. He said  the incident did not shock him.

The tweet quickly went viral with many narrating similar incidents.

In a statement, Chicken Inn apologised to affected customer, saying it was investigating how the chips got compromised.

“On Thursday 4th of April 2019, it came to our attention that a video had been posted on social media regarding a compromised portion of chips purchased by a customer from one of our branches. We apologize to how disturbing this was to the customer concerned and to our loyal customers at large,” Chicken Inn tweeted.

“We take matters of food and safety very seriously as these are core to our business. We wish to assure our customers that we are investigating the matter internally with our supplier to get to the root of what happened,” it added.

Dela had called on the ministry of Health, Kenya Bureau of Standards and the Consumers Federation of Kenya (Cofek) to investigate the food chain.

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editor [at] businesstoday.co.ke
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