Chris Harrison has 31 years’ experience of building brands. Most of them spent in Africa. He leads the African operations of The Brand Inside, an international company that helps organisations to deliver their brands and strategies through their people. Email: [email protected]
Now is a good time to review employee skill sets. Do we have the right people with the right skills in the right...
As every day passes there are fewer places to hide what a former American Vice President called ‘an inconvenient truth’. Al Gore was...
So much business communication is on email these days. And so disruptive is that medium that I spend much of my time inside...
Executive burnout: Businesses leader face challenges so powerful that a good number of them reckon that they can handle the pressure for less...
Competent human staff members recognise and value customers as individuals. Technology sees us all in binary terms.
Research and conventional wisdom suggest that employees get about 90 days to prove themselves in a new job and so employers must give...