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Amos Burkeywo is a writer, editor and publisher based in Nairobi. Email: amosburkeywo@gmail.com

5 Articles
Living in Nairobi

Village Life Tranquility That Nairobi’s Allure And Millions Can’t Match

I fell in love with Nairobi for some reasons: for opportunities, its liveliness, and the perceived ‘good’ life it offers. But after living...


Keep calm, life begins at 40: The rest is about searching and practice

[dropcap]L[/dropcap]ife is a journey of self-discovery. It is a series of successes and failures. Before you begin life at 40, you experience many...


Secrets behind the rise of Jua Kazi professionals

[dropcap]W[/dropcap]ith population, particularly the professionals facing unemployment or underemployment or fed up with employment no matter how rosy a job is, there are...

Huddah Monroe with Jeff Koinange. Rarely do “A” students become rich and they work for “C” students according to Kiyosaki. [Photo/Huddah Monroe]

Why ‘A’ Students Rarely Become Rich and More Successful in Life

Entrepreneurship is not for everybody. But the most important thing is to be financially intelligent


What to do when papers can’t get you a job

The recent report by the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) that the number of formal jobs generated by the economy fell to...