TSC Advertises 1,000 Vacancies for Teachers

Basic education classes students learning before the outbreak of COVID-19.
Basic education classes students learning before the outbreak of COVID-19.

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) on Wednesday, January 26 advertised 1,000 promotion positions for teachers.

The advertisement is in line with career progression guidelines and focuses on teachers with Diplomas. Positions on offer include Secondary Teacher I, Senior Master IV, Deputy Principal II and Senior Lecturer IV.

492 Secondary Teacher I positions are open, followed by Senior Master IV with 363 vacancies.

15 Deputy Principal III positions were advertised, as well as 15 Senior Principal positions, 30 Deputy Principal II positions and 28 Senior Lecturer IV positions.

Manual applications will not be considered, and teachers were urged to apply for the roles on the TSC website.

Pupils in a classroom before the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic in Kenya. The TSC has advertised over 15,000 promotional vacancies for teachers.
Pupils in a classroom before the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic in Kenya.

Applicants will be required to upload a number of documents as part of the process; including certificate of registration as a teacher, certificate of good conduct and a clearance certificate from the Higher Education Loans Board (HELB).

READ>>>>>TSC Advertises 15,000+ Promotion Vacancies for Teachers

They will be required to upload a clearance application from the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC), clearance certificate from a Credit Reference Bureau, Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) tax clearance certificate and their highest academic certificate.

The teachers’ employer has prioritized the hiring of teachers after schools fully re-opened in 2021 after months long closure in 2020 due to the pandemic.

With schools struggling to offer learning while adhering to Covid-19 prevention measures, lack of adequate teaching staff has been identified as a major challenge.

Many public schools, for instance, have witnessed an influx of new students after opening in January. This has been attributed to the closure of numerous private schools during the pandemic as well as the losses of income experienced by many parents, making it difficult to pay school fees.

TSC had on December 22, 2020 advertised 15,266 promotion vacancies for teachers.

The vacancies were for positions including Deputy Principal, Head Teacher, Curriculum Support Officer, Senior Master and Senior Lecturer.

The agency also started undertaking interviews for 6,674 previously advertised internship positions.

READ>>>>>FAKE: TSC Not Hiring 12,000 Teachers

Written by

Martin K.N Siele is the Content Lead at Business Today. He is also a Quartz contributor and a 2021 Baraza Media Lab-Fringe Graph Data Storytelling Fellow. Passionate about digital media, sports and entertainment, Siele also founded Loud.co.ke

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