List: The 5 Taxi-Hailing Companies Licensed To Operate In Kenya

taxi hailing companies in kenya
Drivers went on strike to protest non-compliance by the transport network companies and appealed to the Ministry of Transport and the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) to intervene. [ Photo / The Citizen ]

Only five digital taxi hailing companies have been approved by The National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) to operate in Kenya. NTSA released a notice on Monday, October 31 revealing a list of the five companies licensed to operate in the country as: Uber, Bolt, Farasi Cab, Yego and Little cab.

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According to the notice signed by NTSA Director General George Njao, all digital taxi companies were required to undergo fresh registration and also to have a physical address and a working contact number.

“In carrying outs its mandate and in line with the requirements of the NTSA Transport Network Companies (TNC), Drivers and Passenger Rules, 2022, the following companies are licenced to operate as Transport Network Companies,” Mr Njao said in the statement.

NTSA later made an update disclosing that Farasi Cab had also been licensed after adhering to the new licensing rules and has been allowed to continue operating in the country.


NTSA further informed the public that Farasi capped its commission rate at 15% against the recommended 18 per cent.

The five companies were picked out of over 10 companies available in Kenya. “The Authority has so far received six applications and they are all at the validation stage prior to licensing of successful applicants,” Mr Njao said in a statement on October 26.

Recently, drivers from these taxi companies went to the streets to protest non-compliance by the transport network companies and appealed to the Ministry of Transport and the National Transport and Safety Authority (NTSA) to intervene. The drivers sought to push their employers to adhere to NTSA’s 18% commission recommendation.

After the peaceful demonstration, Uber which used to charge a 25% commission and Bolt which charged a 20% announced via their respective social media pages that the had cut the commission to 18%.

On the other hand, Little Ride slashed their commission to 15% while the new taxi company in Kenya, Yego, is charging the lowest commission at 12%.


Next >> Uber Curves In To Pressure And Cuts Commission To 18%

Read >> PepsiCo Deepens Its Investment In Ethiopia

Written by

Evans Kibett works for the Centre for Enhancing Democracy and Good Governance in Baringo County.  Email: [email protected]

1 Comment

  • I’m a Uber driver and I also oparit with bolt. I think it is good I idea to work with you to. But I don’t know how to start to work with you guys.

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