Tatu City offers schooling in an international environment


The need for high quality education in today’s world cannot be gainsaid. This is right from kindergarten to university. Whether it is local or international curriculum on offer, there is no difference in educational demands.

We are living in a global community. Even for schools offering the Kenyan curriculum, the value of an international environment is apparent. Therefore, it is only prudent that we prepare progeny for this phenomenon. The modern education system needs to focus on ensuring that students are thinking and behaving like innovators and leaders.

Indeed, today’s youth encounter a future that will look and work differently than the world does today, and that will continue to evolve during their lifetime.

The futuristic Tatu City in Kiambu County is offering the best of two worlds. It is host to two top of the range educational institutions. The first school to open shop in the fledgling satellite city is the Nova Pioneer Academy.

The academy, which is expected to transform the education landscape in Kenya, has been running in Tatu City since 2017. The schools include Nova Pioneer Girls Secondary, and Nova Pioneer Boys School, both of which offer boarding facilities.

The Nova Pioneer approach to teaching and learning lays emphasis on hands-on, interactive teaching, and student-centred learning. According to its manifesto, Nova Pioneer Education Group is a Pan-African independent school network offering pre-school through secondary education for students from ages three to 19.

It aims at preparing the next generation of leaders and innovators through world-class teaching methods, with emphasis on imparting 21st century skills. Lessons are designed to promote confidence and communication geared at solving real world problems. The process starts from ideation, through prototyping, and eventually building solutions and deploying them.

The second institution to launch in Tatu City is the Crawford International School which opened its doors in January this year. The school, which has a capacity of 1,700 students, aims at offering high quality education comparable to any in the world.

This includes flexible and individualized learning which allows students to choose from a wide range of both traditional and emerging areas. In addition to subjects like maths, science and engineering, the school also offers education on bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.

To cement its international status, Tatu City has aligned itself to the United Nations New Cities Initiative, striving to become socially inclusive and engaging, economically vibrant, well-planned and transit friendly.

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The entire property is a 5,000-acre, mixed-use development with homes, schools, offices, a shopping district, medical clinics, nature areas, a sport and entertainment complex, and manufacturing area for more than 150,000 residents, and tens of thousands of day visitors.

Schools and businesses are already open at Tatu City, and a range of houses are under construction to suit all incomes. Tatu represents a new way of living and thinking for all Kenyans, creating a unique live, work and play environment that is free from traffic congestion and long-distance commuting.

This is the kind of scenario that every parent would wish for his or her child to learn in.  It helps parents to reimagine the possibilities available for their children, and focuses on developing each student’s full potential.

In addition to excelling in examinations, the Tatu mixture enables critical thinking, creativity, and strength of character that are necessary in building strong careers in today’s world.

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Students may not even have to leave Tatu City after their education. It is expected that by the time the current students finish the highest school grade, there will be an established tertiary institution. Form where they will get a job in the upcoming special economic zone!

In the vision of Crawford International School, the education ecosystem in Tatu offers an academic foundation of the highest order, and ensures that each student is developed into a fully-rounded individual, able to interact in a collaborative manner.

Written by

Stephen Ndegwa is an experienced media practitioner specializing in thought leadership. He has written for various media houses and publications, both locally and abroad. Ndegwa is also a strategic communication expert, with skills across the public relations and marketing mix. He is an author, blogger, poet and university lecturer in communication. Email: [email protected] FB: Stephen Ndegwa Twitter: @Ndegwasm

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