Cytonn CEO Edwin Dande sought to explain why the affordable housing pillar in President Uhuru Kenyatta's Big 4 development agenda had gotten little...
With such a large pool of fund managers to choose from, a potential investor needs prudent metrics by which to determine the best...
Cytonn Group Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Edwin H. Dande, has filed a petition against the Capital Markets Authority (CMA) to broaden the eligibility...
Dande said that Kenya is still the most preferred investment destination. He also noted that we are the global home of mobile money...
Real estate company Cytonn launched a new real estate project in the leafy suburbs of Westlands. The project, Cysuites is a serviced apartment...
Housing and Urban Development Principal Secretary Charles Hinga says the ministry is focusing on promoting local production as it seeks to attain the...
Cytonn managers term case against them weak and lacking any basis