The show attracts eye-watering advertising revenues owing to its popularity, mostly in urban areas. This has led to Kageni being one of the...
BUSINESS TODAYMaina Kageni, who redefined breakfast show presentation in Kenya’s radio industry, said his exit from Classic 105 would mark the end of his...
BT CorrespondentLike many successful people, Mr Maina’s story takes the similar rag-to-riches tale - but with enough twists and turns that would barely lead...
BT ReporterRadio Africa Group says while it paid March salaries, it is seeing a major loss in advertising revenue from April that will impact...
BT CorrespondentRadio Africa Group is set to lay off over 150 members of its staff following the difficult economic times experienced by the media...
Kevin NamunwaRadio African Group CEO Patrick Quarcoo announced the company was finding it hard to meet its financial obligations with shrinking revenues.
BT ReporterRadio Africa Group risk being used by Europe’s biggest commercial radio company, Global, for copyright infringement.
BT CorrespondentRadio Citizen and Radio Maisha are the most popular stations nationally, followed by Radio Jambo, while Classic 105 leads in Nairobi.
BT ReporterA South African media firm that holds majority shareholding in Kenya’s Radio Africa Group has sold its media entities in an effort to...
Mike Njoroge