READ: Uhuru’s Cabinet statement in full


President Uhuru Kenyatta on Friday afternoon named more nominees to the Cabinet and also appointed Principal Secretaries. He also created a new Chief Administration Secretary to which he named several election losers, who were campaigning for Jubilee, including Chris Obure, Ababu Namwamba and Rachel Shebesh.

Here is the statement in full:

Fellow Kenyans as I mentioned a few weeks ago we are still in the process of finalizing cabinet and restructuring of government. 

Today I have a few names  that I would like to read.  But before I do so, let me say that for the efficient operation of government and indeed taking into account the need of having a government that reflects the diversity of our nation and indeed one that can help me deliver on my mandate I pledged to Kenyans over  the campaign period and also having consulted the constitutional mandated body and receiving advise from the public service Commission as required by article (132) (4A) of our constitution, I have decided to establish a new position in government, the position of Chief Administrative Secretary in all our ministries.

The Chief Administrative Secretary would broadly be responsible for helping the Cabinet Secretary to better coordinate the running of the affairs of their respective ministries.

Therefore with that in mind today I have appointed the following individuals and others who have been moved to different ministries.

I will be forwarding to parliament the name of Margaret Kobia to be the Cabinet Secretary for the Public Service, Youth and Gender Affairs. Working with her in the newly created position Chief Administrative Secretary will be Rachel Shebesh.  The Principal Secretary for Public Service and Youth will be Lilian Omolo, the Principal Secretary for Gender will be Safina  Kwekwe.

As  I mentioned earlier I have forwarded the name of the honourable John Munyes  who will be appointed once vetted to the Ministry of Petroleum and Mining. The Principal Secretary in the ministry of Petroleum will be Andrew Kamau Ng’ang’a.

The Ministry of Devolution and ASAL areas will be headed by the Cabinet Secretary  Eugene Wamalwa, Chief Administrative Secretary  will be Hussein Dado, the Principal Secretary  for ASAL will be Michael Powon,  the  Principal Secretary  Devolution will be forwarding the name of Nelson Marwa to assume that position.

Ministry of Defence we have reassigned Raychelle Omamo the Cabinet Administrative Secretary  will be announced, the PS will continue to be Torome Saitoti.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, I have submitted to Parliament the name of Monica Juma to be the Cabinet Secretary for Foreign Affairs. The Chief Administrative Secretary will be Ababu Namwamba and the PS Foreign Affairs will be Ambassador Macharia Kamau. The PS International Trade will be Chris Kiptoo. The Ministry of Water and Sanitation, I have forwarded the name to Parliament of Simon Chelugui, The Chief Administrative Secretary Winnie Guchu, and the PS will be announced.

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry I have forwarded the name of Keriako Tobiko as the CS and the PS will continue to be Charles Sunkuli. The Ministry of Industrialization and Enterprise Development reassigned Cabinet Secretary Aden Mohammed to continue and the PS Industrialization  Betty Maina  and the Ps for Enterprise Development will be announced shortly.

The Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure Development the Cabinet Secretary will be James Macharia, the Chief Administrative Secretary, Mr. Chris Obure, the PS Transport, Paul Maringa, the PS Infrastructure-Julius Korir and the PS shipping and Maritime-Nancy Karigithu.

The Ministry Information Communication & Technology Cabinet Secretary will be Joseph Mucheru, the CAS and the PS will be announced later.

The National Treasury and Ministry of Planning Cabinet Secretary Henry Rotich, the CAS- Nelson Gaichuhie, PS Treasury Kamau Thugge, PS Planning Julius Muia.

Ministry of Energy, the Cabinet Secretary Charles Keter, CAS  and PS renewable energy-Colleta Suda and the PS Energy Joseph Njoroge.

The Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government will be headed by Cabinet Secretary Fred Matiang’i, the CAS will be Patrick Ntutu, PS Interior Karanja Kibicho, PS Immigration, Border Control and Registration of Persons-PS will be Maj.Gen.(Rtd) Gordon Kihalangwa.

 Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation Cabinet Secretary will be Mwangi Kiunjuri, the CAS as well as PS Livestock-Andrew Tuimor, the PS Crop Development-Richard Lesiyampe, the Ps Agriculture Research-Hamadi Boga, PS fisheries will be announced as well as PS irrigation.

 Ministry of Health will be headed by Cabinet Secretary Sicily Kariuki, the CAS will be Rashid Aman, and the PS, I have forwarded the name Peter Tum to Parliament.

 Sports and Heritage the Cabinet Secretary is Rashid  Achesa Mohammed, PS Sports will be Peter Kaberia and the PS heritage will be Josphetta Mukobe.

 Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife, the CS is Najib Balala, the CAS will be announced as well as the PS Tourism, the PS wildlife will be Margaret Mwakema.

 The Ministry of Education Cabinet Secretary Amina Mohammed, CAS Hon. Simon Kachapin, PS Early learning and basic education Dr. Belio Kipsang. The PS university education and research Prof. Japheth Micheni Ntiba. PS Post training and skills development Zainab Hussein.

Ministry of lands I have forwarded the name for Cabinet Secretary to parliament of Farida Karoney, CAS will be Gideon Mung’aro and the PS will continue to be Nicholas Muraguri.

Labour and Social Protection, I have forwarded the name of Ukur Yattani for Cabinet Secretary, CAS Abdul Bahari, PS social protection pensions and senior citizens affairs will continue to be Susan Mochache.

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The Ministry of East African Community and Northern Corridor development I have forwarded the name to parliament of Mr. Peter Munya, CAS will be Ken Obura and the PS will be named in due course. I have also co-opted into cabinet on a need basis the Hon. Raphael Tuju.

Further I have nominated the following to the posts of Ambassador and their names will be forwarded to parliament. I begin with Judy Wakhungu who I nominate for the post of Ambassador to France, Dr. Cleopha Mailu who I nominate to the Permanent Mission of the UN in Geneva, Kiema Kilonzo will be our new High commissioner to Uganda, Dan Kazungu will be our nominee for the High Commissioner to Tanzania. Lazarus Amayo has also been moved to the Permanent Mission of the United Nations in New York and Phyllis Kandie will be our nominee for Ambassador to Belgium and Luxemburg as well as the European Union.

Willy Bett will be our nominee for High Commissioner to India. Jacob Kaimenyi our nominee to the Permanent Mission to UNESCO in Paris and Hassan Wario our nominee as Ambassador to Austria.

As I said in the beginning I will continue to update you fellow Kenyans as we proceed with the normal process of forming government, a government that I believe will serve the interest of all Kenyans, be a representative of all Kenya and continue to work for the prosperity, peace and stability of our Nation. I thank you very much for your attention, Thank you.”

 READ: Check out latest tenders in government and private sector

Written by
BT Reporter -

editor [at] businesstoday.co.ke

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