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Kenya’s economic success lies in value-driven citizenry

We have failed to utilise the taxes we collect and the loans we procure from development partners to spur economic development in the country

Transforming your house into a home with insurance

The financial repercussion of not safeguarding the home from these unexpected events could cost an arm and a leg to simply replenish the damaged/lost items in the home

Kenya’s political c****s avoidable

Kenyatta’s naming, on 26 January, of his full cabinet – appointing only ruling party supporters, in essence closing the door to any form of power-sharing – has foreclosed one option for defusing tensions

Over 40 and still working in media? It’s time to leave

Your employer knows that a salary of 200,000 can employ four other youngsters who will do four times what you do

Align Kenya’s political system with global standards

There is need to ensure that our system is in line with international best practice especially as they relate to freedom of information

Time for businesses to venture into Somalia

Though the country has long been associated with insecurity, recent developments are making it an attractive investment option

Could digital solutions be the answer to our education challenges?

Research has demonstrated that interactive solutions boost retention rates and test scores, being far more engaging and memorable than voluminous textbooks

Technology Driven Logistics, the Future is Here!

Overall consumers and taxpayers stand to reap the biggest dividend from investments made in technologically driven logistics and now is the time to make these decisions
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