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Medical Tourism: Dignitaries Admitted in Kenya Reveal Multi-Billion Opportunity

While Kenya's public health system is weighed down by corruption, inadequate funding, mismanagement and labour disputes - its private facilities seem to be fairing much better. Ensuring that the country's health facilities - both private and public - meet the highest international standards would open up a multi-billion shilling medical tourism industry in the country.

Covid-19 Vaccine: Why Kenya’s S*x Workers Should be First in Line

Kenya needs to consider the welfare of sex workers even as it rolls out Covid-19 vaccination in hospitals across the country. Not only did Covid-19 threaten their livelihoods but it also exposed them to poor health outcomes.

Allow Young Mothers Back to School Unconditionally

The impact of the Covid-19 school closures on teenage girls and its adverse negative effects on education is becoming clear. Worrying reports from different...

Sensory Surveillance & Smart Devices: Why We Should Care About the Cost of Convenience

Most of us buy smart devices for the innovation and convenience they promise without giving much thought to how these gadgets handle data security and privacy. The camera in our smart doorbell or lock can, for instance, provide data about when we are home, when our mail is delivered, and even whether we have a dog.

Minimum Tax An Idea Worth Pursuing

Businesses are taxed on their profits, and that option still exists provided the tax on profits is more than tax on gross receipts.

Investing in Mental Health Key in Recovery of African Economies

It is estimated that mental illnesses cost $2.5 trillion globally in 2010, and this cost will rise to over $6 trillion by 2030

COVID-19: Gender-Based V******e Cases Rise

Violence against women has long been recognized as a global epidemic

Valentine’s Day is Coming – What are Your Plans?

This year you will be having a quarantined or socially distanced Valentine's day.
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