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Standard back in town amid grumbling by top editors

Standard Group, the publisher of Standard group of newspapers, has finally relocated its newsroom back to the city centre, after nearly a decade operating...

Standard appoints managing editor for weekend editions

With an election just weeks a way, Kenya's second largest newspaper in terms of circulation chooses to settle for an insider

Carole Kimutai: ‘This is a good challenge…it will be fun’

Carole Kimutai, who is set to join Standard as managing Editor Digital, started out as freelance journalist, mainly working in magazines. The appointment is...

Standard Group hires online guru to head digital division

CEO Sam Shollei says the media house is increasing capacity and broadening the skills sets to bolster its online and mobile content

MultiChoice sinks Sh500 million in producing local shows

Award-winning Bollywood producers train local producers on success of Indian Telenovela Productions.

The guy who fixed Nation reporter Walter Menya

The guy who lured Sunday Nation reporter Walter Menya into a trap that saw him arrested by six detectives on Sunday has been unmasked. Nation...

Nation reporter Walter Menya freed but faces menacing charge

Sunday Nation journalist Walter Menya has this evening been released after two days in police custody. The writer, who has found himself at the centre...

New media tribunal chair vows to discipline journalists

The Multimedia Appeals Tribunal team was inaugurated today. The six member team chaired by William Oketch will resolve disputes against journalists and media enterprises, as...
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