HR professionals exams body releases first-ever results

IHRM Council chairman Elijah Sitimah speaks during the release of the examination results.

The Human Resource Management Professional Examination Board (HRMPEB) has released for the first ever examination results for Certified Human Resource Management Professionals (CHRP) for the June/July series for 247 candidates.

The exam, which was administered by HRMPEB, is the first of its kind in Kenya and in Africa being offered to human resource practitioners and will be joining other bodies that offer certification courses to their professionals like lawyers, doctors and accountants.

In their curriculum, CHRP examinations consists of parts I, II and III. Part one is meant for the entry level, those without a background in HR. Part II provides a transition from the basic level to the intermediate level. Part III prepares the candidates for the topmost management level and is the final stage which upon successful completion earns the candidate certification. The three stages may take a minimum of three years and a maximum of nine years. The examinations will be undertaken twice a year, in the June/July series and the November/December series.

In the June/July series of 2017, 78% of the candidates who sat for the exams passed with 22% failing. In part I 79% passed with 21% failing while in part II 81% passed while 19% failed. Part III saw 75% pass while 25% failed. In total, 42 candidates sat for part I, 82 sat for part II while 120 sat for part III.

Speaking during the release of the results, the National Chairman of the Institute of Human Resource Management Council, the body responsible for the administration of CHRP exams, Mr Elijah Sitimah said that the exams are intended at enhancing competency of HR professionals in the execution of their duties at the workplace.

“The CRHP curriculum is intended to enhance the competency of HR professionals in the execution of their roles at the workplace. The examination assesses the candidates’ HR body of knowledge, practical skills and required attitudes for the effective delivery of human resource management services to stakeholders,” said Mr Sitimah.

Established under Section 16 of the Human Resource Management Professional Act 2012, the HRMPEB is mandated to prepare syllabuses for Human Resource Professional Examinations, develop HR national examination tests, make rules with respect to the examinations, issue certificates to candidates who have satisfied examination requirements and promote recognition of its examinations locally and internationally.

“HR development is an important component in the industrialisation process of this country as espoused in Vision 2030.Hr development is singled out as one of the foundations upon which the economic, social and political pillars will be achieved,” said Mr Sitimah. “Kenya anticipates creating a globally competitive and adaptive human resource base in the journey of becoming a middle income country.”

Sitimah farther urged all aspiring and current human resource practitioners to register and undertake the exams, since it will be a mandatory requirement in joining the professional body for human resource practitioners.
So far, HRMPEB has accredited 23 colleges/institutions of higher learning including their own College of Human Resource Management to offer CHRP courses. They target at least 50 colleges/institutions across the country, mostly representing all the counties.

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Editor and writer, Francis Muli has a passion for human interest stories. He holds a BSc in Communication and Journalism from Moi University and has worked for various organisations including Kenya Television Service. Email:[email protected]

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