Highly Marketable Degrees in Kenya

Students graduate at the University of Nairobi (UoN) during a past ceremony
Students graduate at the University of Nairobi (UoN) during a past ceremony [Photo/Courtesy]

Undergraduate degrees in Kenya is a hot topic. With many jobless graduates, thousands still attain their bachelor’s annually with tens of thousands being enrolled in the 49 universities in the country.

However, the tertiary institutions are in for shakeups on the courses they offer. In August 2019, the University of Nairobi scrapped 40 courses in education reform plans. The university alleged that the courses had not attracted any student for the last five years.

On 26th September, Moi University scrapped 30 departments and realigned lecturers based on their qualifications and areas of specialization in a bid to improve efficiency and quality of education. 

With education reforms gradually taking shape in public universities will see some undergraduate courses removed from the curricula.

Below are marketable undergraduate courses in the current Kenyan workforce.

1. Bachelor of Medicine and surgery

For one to be admitted for these courses he/she must have scored exceptional grades at the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination. These course works are demanding and it takes approximately 7years. Graduates can work as medical doctors or surgeons.

These degrees are demanding and very lucrative as they attract prestige, job security. They are very marketable locally and globally.

2. Degree in Clinical Medicine

An individual who desires to do medicine but has fewer cluster points required for a medical doctor can take this route. The degree course takes 5 years, inclusive of a one-year internship program. With the country grappling with a shortage of medical personnel gives this degree provides workers in a ready market.

As the mortals continue to face untold suffering as disease and epidemics continue to wreak havoc without discriminating among the young or the old, they need professionals as primary caregivers. Some people consider then as assistant doctors.

3. Bachelor of Pharmacy

Hospitals, big or small must have a pharmacist. Then there are tens of thousands of privately owned chemists and pharmacies. Selling medicine is a lucrative business. This is because people get sick every day. As the world is evolving new diseases are being discovered. Disease is treated with medicine which is purchased from chemists or hospitals.

Further, businesses making and marketing all types of drugs and medicine employ pharmacists as part of the sales team.

4. Bachelor of Science in Agriculture and Biotechnology

First and foremost, agriculture is the economic backbone of Kenya. We, therefore, need to produce quality cash and domestic crops and in large quantities. In this degree of education, students obtain biological knowledge and skills to handle challenges found in crops, general agriculture, soil, animal health, among others.

Holders of such a degree can work in technological research institutions, genetic engineering fields, manufacturing, pharmaceutical industries, among others.

5. Bachelor of Engineering Electrical and Telecommunication

This course takes 5 vigorous years and it covers a wide range of basic telecoms science and engineering topics including drawing, calculus, circuits & telecoms network theory. Graduates work in telecommunication companies such as mobile phone companies, internet service providers (ISPs), communication parastatals, media companies.

6. Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics and Literature

This course gives you essential skills to work as a language expert in either Kiswahili/English in a wide range of scenarios. This course creates career opportunities in journalists for the traditional media (print and electronic) or online writer/critique. You can also be a playwright for theatre, drama/ film. One can also teach at the university or be a public relations officer. Lastly, you can be employed as a professional translator or be a publisher.

7. Bachelor of Arts Education

There is a huge shortage of teachers from primary school, secondary and universities. Furthermore, many private schools pop up yearly. This degree is therefore very competitive in the workforce.  An individual can work as a teacher, educational consultant, college lecturer, examiner, curriculum developer, education quality and assurance officer, school inspector among others. And it only takes 4 years to complete a work course.

Written by
Brenda Gamonde -

Brenda Gamonde is reporter with Business Today. Email: [email protected]

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