Ecobank ATM withdrawal limit raises anxiety among customers

The ATMs were limiting withdrawals to Ksh5,000 per session.

Is something cooking at Ecobank Kenya? Some customers of the Pan-African Bank think so.

Yesterday, customers in the City Centre were shocked when the bank placed a limit on how much they can withdraw at ago from the ATMs.

An Ecobank customer who was a victim of this situation said the ATMs in the city centre could only dish out a maximum of Ksh5,000 per withdraw in denominations of Sh200 and Sh100.

Update: Ecobank blames ATM malfunction for withdrawals hitch 

This forced many customers to make multiple withdrawals to get their desired amount, spending more to get money as each transaction was being charged separately.

“At the ATMs at the Stanley Hotel only one was working,” said a customer. “When I went in the guard asked me how much I wanted to withdraw. I found that very unusual and intrusive so I didn’t even tell him.

When I requested Ksh10,000 the request was rejected and that’s when the guard told me I can only withdraw a maximum of Ksh5,000 at a go.”

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It’s not clear whether it was a technical hitch or a way of regulating withdrawals, but this has raised anxiety among its customers. It’s normal for ATMs to malfucntion and go out of order, but limiting withdrawals is unusual.

*Editor Note: Ecobank Management has clarified as follows:  “Our ATM cash withdrawal limit still remains Ksh40,000 on any Ecobank or Visa branded ATM in Kenya and around the world. Two of our ATMs experienced dispensing malfunction yesterday causing temporary service disruption. For this reason, some of our customers were only able to access lower denominations and amounts. Our technicians are working around the clock to resolve the problem. We confirm all our other ATMs are operational.”


Written by
BT Correspondent -

editor [at] businesstoday.co.ke

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