Do These 3 Things Before Purchasing a Plot In Ruiru

Prices of plot in Ruiru
Get a licensed land surveyor to confirm the availability and integrity of the beacons and the boundaries.

The demand for land and its development remains high. Even as many areas continue opening up to development, more and more Kenyans prefer land as an asset over other investments.

Ruiru, where Fanaka Real Estate has a branch, is one of the growing areas to buy land. Our experts guide you on what to consider before buying land in this area.

  1. Find a registered real estate firm

 We are always at hand to assist you as your top-ranking reals estate firm. Our experts are experienced and professional, and we are a licensed real estate company. Many Kenyans have been swindled by scammers as they want to deal with brokers who cheat them on prices. Some are sold already titled land which has resulted in court cases. Fanaka Real Estate offers you affordable and genuine land for sale along Kangundo Road, Eastern Bypass and along Thika Road with Ready Title Deeds.

  1. Valuation and Future value

Land has one of the highest returns on investments, no matter how your investment plan pans out.  If you bought your piece of land in Juja, Kangundo or Kamulu at Ksh800,000, you can sell it a higher return later on. Knowing the value of your land protects you from explòitation. Engaging a reputable registered valuer like Fanaka Real Estate is prudent.

  1. Zoning

Kenyan land is categorized as agricultural, residential, commercial, industrial, forest land, recreational, riparian reserves,, national parks and reserves, wildlife corridor, gazetted historical sites, flight paths, among others.

The National and County Governments will always inform you about which land is available for use, registered and suitable for investment. You will also learn if the land is riparian, in that it sits next to a major road or highway, an airport, a river, a national park or reserve, a forest, historical site. 

  1. Meet Sellers face to face

Before you pay for the land, have a physical meeting with the firm or seller. Whereas online or remote transactions are growing and very convenient today, you can easily be swindled. Request for copies of relevant documents, National ID cards, and PIN certificates of the person or directors in case of a firm. 

  1. Land rates and land rent

Check the outstanding land rent on the land by logging in to your eCitizen account to the Ministry of Lands section. Ardhisasa digital system by the Lands Ministry also aids you on the same. Use copies of the title deed you have been given by the seller or visiting Ardhi House in Nairobi to check the land number or visit the local land registry where the land is located.

Also, ask a real estate agent to connect you with the relevant County Government to check the land rates outstanding. Land rent is paid to the National Government for GLA (Government Lands Act) and RTA (Registered Titles Act) lands while land rates are due to the County Governments for all lands.

  1. Survey

 Get a licensed land surveyor to survey the land and confirm the availability and integrity of the beacons and the boundaries to ascertain it. You also have to request the surveyor to obtain the land’s survey map from the Survey’s office and see whether the land and its title number actually exists on the survey map. Survey maps cannot be forged easily like title deeds, searches and other relevant documents. 

  1. Investigation of the title

 Do not fail to conduct a search at the relevant land registry. When buying land from a company, also conduct a search on the company’s directors and shareholders at the Companies’ Registry.

Next >> Get These Three Points Right And Reap Big From Real Estate

Written by
BT Reporter -

editor [at]

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