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Ruto terms NASA boycott extortion ploy

Deputy President claims move is designed to hide a brazen and bizarre extortion racket- styled scheme by the Opposition targeting big companies

WHO helps Kenya guard against rare disease outbreak

UN agency is supporting enhanced surveillance and lab testing, an active search for potential cases and their contacts, community engagement, and isolation and treatment units

Coast politicians kick off secession push

Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho said local and international lawyers had been engaged to ensure the Coast delinks from the rest of the country for development

HF Group targets the aged with new medical cover

The cover will see customers access medication for as low as Ksh 20,000 for outpatients and a maximum limit of Ksh 5 million annually for inpatients

Cane farmers Sh300 million richer

The National government on Thursday paid all outstanding arrears  amounting to  over Ksh 300 million owed to sugarcane farmers  affiliated to Chemilili Sugar company in Kisumu...

BBC seeks digital journalists for Nairobi hub

As part of its expansion plans, BBC recently held a career fair in Nairobi this week where more than 400 practicing and aspiring media professionals turned up

Former NTV business editor Wallace Kantai appointed CBK head of communications

The former NTV business editor replaces Grace Okara, an economist who has been redeployed within Central Bank of Kenya

Safaricom half-year profit hits Sh26bn

Chairman Nicholas Ng’ang’a said the company will continue to perform strongly despite Chief Executive Bob Collymore being on sick leave for specialised treatment
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