Welcome to the C-Suite, which covers management, strategy and leadership. It basically looks at how smart companies and smart managers are doing their gig.

148 Articles
Geoffrey Odundo NSE CEO

Absorbing it Like a Man: How NSE CEO Geoffrey Odundo Faced Market Shocks

Geoffrey Odundo completes his tenure as the Chief Executive of the Nairobi Securities Exchange having served for nine years.

Frank Mwiti

NSE Gets New CEO As Geoffrey Odundo Exits

The Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) has appointed Frank Mwiti the new CEO effective May 2, 2024, to replace Geoffrey Odundo who exits the...

Ann Joy Michira EABL

Diageo Elevates EABL’s Anne Joy Michira to a London-Based Role

Ms Anne Joy Michira will take up her new, London-based role from April 1, and will report to Mr John Musunga, a Kenyan,...

Dr Githinji Gitahi Amref Health Africa CEO - Standard Group Directors

Resignation of 3 Standard Group Directors Signals Big Trouble

Standard Group Directors: Media house announced through its Nairobi Securities Exchange filing that Dr Githinji Gitahi - who was an Independent, Non-Executive Director...

Nancy Njau Family Bank CEO

Family Bank Picks Insider to Replace Rebecca Mbithi as CEO

The Board of Directors of Family Bank announced that Rebecca Mbithi, who served as the Managing Director and CEO since 2019, is be...

kathryne maundu compamny secretary NCB Bank

From 4 Jobs to One: The Odd Transition of a Corporate Lawyer

Kathryne Maundu, the advocate of the High Court, certified public secretary, and an accredited governance auditor has reportedly landed a new assignment with...

robin bairstow I&M Uganda CEO

I&M Group Appoints ‘Familiar Face’ Robin Bairstow as Uganda CEO

Mr Robin Bairstow brings a wealth of experience to his new role and knows the Group well, having served as the CEO of...


How Billionaire Built Easy Coach Empire

Easy Coach has over the years built a reputation as one of Kenya's most trusted transportation brands.

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