Tharaka Nithi County

2 Articles
From Right: M-PESA Foundation Representative, Onesmus Mulu, the First Lady of Tharaka-Nithi county Mrs. Margaret Njuki, hand over a gift hamper at one of the fistula surgery beneficiary Juliet Ciantuni.

50 Tharaka Nithi Women To Get Free Fistula Surgeries

50 women living with fistula-related complications in Tharaka Nithi County will receive free surgeries and medical advice at a week-long free Fistula Camp...

Sarah Kajira. She is a reformed circumciser turned saviour and advocate of anti-FGM in Tharaka Nithi.

Former Circumciser: “I could cut 50 to 60 girls every season.”

As the law enforcers continue cracking down on the cutters, some are abandoned the crude tools to embrace alternatives.