
22 Articles
Peter Tabichi - kenyan Teacher wins global award

10 Kenyan Teachers Who Went Beyond the Call of Duty for Their Students

In Kenya, teachers play a crucial role in shaping the future of the nation. Their influence often extends beyond the classroom, impacting not...

Teacher student relationship

When Teacher-Student Relationships Cross the Redline

Inappropriate teacher-student relationship is a breach of professional ethics and can have serious consequences for both the student and teacher involved.

TSC Announces 5,690 Teacher Job Vacancies for Immediate Hiring – Apply by November 18, 2024

TSC Announces 5,690 Teacher Job Vacancies for Immediate Hiring – Apply by November 18, 2024

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has announced 5,690 job vacancies for senior teachers, open and available for immediate hiring, with applications closing in...

TSC Announces 20,000 Job Openings for Intern Teachers

TSC Announces 20,000 Job Openings for Intern Teachers

The Teachers Service Commission (TSC) has announced 20,000 jobs for intern teachers that are open and available for immediate hiring, with applications welcomed...

KUPPET Teachers’ Strike to End as Deal Is Reached With TSC

KUPPET Teachers’ Strike to End as Deal Is Reached With TSC

After a day-long bargaining session on Monday, KUPPET (Kenya Union of Post Primary Education Teachers), the teachers’ union representing over 109,000 teachers, reached...

Teachers Threaten to Strike in September

Teachers Threaten to Strike in September

Teachers teaching in public schools in Kenya have vowed to go on strike in September for higher pay in protest of the government’s...

Junior Secondary School JSS Teachers Strike for Higher Pay

Junior Secondary School JSS Teachers Strike for Higher Pay

Hundreds of intern Junior Secondary School (JSS) teachers conducted strikes and walkouts in more than five counties Monday in protest of low wages...

Kenya’s Teacher Diversity: Kalenjins Lead in TSC Employment

Kenya’s Teacher Diversity: Kalenjins Lead in TSC Employment

Although Kenya is known to be home to one of the most diverse or distinct ethnic groups, over 70, a new report released...

Pupils in a classroom before the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic in Kenya. The TSC has advertised over 15,000 promotional vacancies for teachers.

FAKE: TSC Not Hiring 12,000 Teachers

Applicants were promised a Ksh15,000 monthly remuneration stipend for primary teachers and Ksh20,000 for secondary.