KBA CEO Dr Habil Olaka says banks had to re-orient their customer offerings in line with the requirements of the new COVID-19 context.
Chief Executive Kariuki Ngari says the lender's financial perfomance speaks of resilience amid a global perfomance that has left the financial sector shook
The bank noted that the restructuring was in line with its digitization strategy which they began implementing in 2016.
The funds have enabled a number of these companies to switch their production lines to goods in high demand
Staffers at the 8 branches have been reassigned to other branches
Bank targets service providers and companies manufacturing ventilators, masks and more
Through the SC Mobile App, clients will buy or sell government bonds and treasury bills without visiting a branch to fill in forms.
The study identifies opportunities for the private sector to contribute to three infrastructure-focused goals between now and 2030.
If employers in Kenya were to be ranked by women, these 10 companies would fit the tall, dark and handsome description bill. When...